The Ocean Killing The Flies 歌詞

36.Killing The Flies

Air filled with sand lashing in my face
I can't see you fifteen feet away
I can hear you somewhere in the distance
I have lost you

The air is filled with sand
Eroding my skin

I can smell you in the air I'm breathing
I can feel you every time I'm falling
I can taste you, you're the sand I'm eating
I can't kill you

The air is filled with sand
Eroding my skin

All trees cast their leaves when you're around
All colors grow pale, all tones lose their sound

Air filled with sand
It's eroding my skin
All wheels stop turning
Now take the night-bus
And begin all over again

Some things fade faster than you would believe
Some memories sway your thoughts for a while:
Yet some might be etched into your skull
So deeply they'll never grow pale

Sliding deeper and deeper into disaster
Don't want you to see me in the state I'm in?
Where do I end, where do you begin?

Air filled with sand
It's eroding my skin
All wheels stop turning
Now take the night-bus
And begin all over again

Sliding deeper and deeper into disaster
I'm on the speed-ramp going faster and faster

Lets stay in bed bed today
The sun ain't shining anyway
Completely knocked out, unable to move
Dwelling in daydreams, I'm closer, I'm closer to you

I en-wrap myself in black sheets
To match the sky
I no longer want to see
The bitterness in your eyes

You start killing the flies

This is imperative of devotion
A command to consistent actions
To defend our most heartfelt convictions

Against attempts of self protection
To cut them down to size of reason
What we feel is true, what we feel is true

I can't abandon you
I lost something forever in you
It all breeds only pain though I can't discard it
Can't rid myself of you without betraying my heart